
I knew I wanted to do something on my birthday. I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted though. What I did know is that I wanted to surround myself with my good friends, have some great laughs and make more memories.  It was a significant milestone for me and felt worthy of something fun.

When I finally decided on a dinner party outside, I started racking my brain on exactly what I wanted it to look like. At first, nothing felt right.  I kept taking myself down different paths of design or party themes, like the 1960s, a Great Gatsby feel or white and high glam. (That felt too old lady!) I also considered cooking out with all the flannels. (Maybe too casual for my 40th?) I was trying to figure out what would be more me, more fab, yet comfortable. And then it hit me! Why am I making this so difficult? Why wouldn’t I just design this party around the things I love most?

So I made a list of my favorite things; tacos, champagne, chocolate tarts, crystals, cactus, vintage doors, trays, chandeliers, cafe lights,  textiles and maybe a little pink. Yes! All of this felt right. I would have all these things. It would all be outside and all my favorite people would be around me.

I borrowed a blanket I loved that fit my vision from Chris (Superchris77), grabbed some crystals, a cactus and took a picture.The photo would be my inspiration and the party would build from here. I got on the phone with Farra (Hostess Haven) and we started planning our next Smidhaven concept in honor of my big evening.

I truly feel blessed to have such amazing friends that love me for who I am, support me and inspire me. If it wasn’t for them, the evening would not have looked or felt the same. It was magical and full of sweet and quite hilarious memories.

Renata Stone (Big Bear Photo) came all the way from Salt Lake City to be with me on my special day pop over here. She left her husband who just recently had ACL surgery. Oof! She loves me and I love her so hard. Renata doesn’t love to show too much physical affection. So when she surprised me with capturing all these beautiful images, clearly I considered holding her down and kissing her. She captured everything exactly as it was. I’m so grateful to have these.

A Special thanks to Farra (Hostess Haven) for being a great partner in inspiration, for helping me pair crystal glasses with cactus and for making me FIVE chocolate tarts for the evening; clearly not enough!  My friend Juan (A MIHO Experience) made me tacos guisados, the perfect elegant and casual taco bar spread. Thank you Tina (Miss Multee) for helping polish the table with hand painted name cards on leather scraps. Thank you my sister, Rachael (Siren Floral Co.) for letting me borrow all of the cactus. Melissa (Pow Wow Design Studio), one of my design soul mates, let me borrow the epic pew from her home and all the benches to keep it casual and intimate. And dear Chris (Super Chris), your doors were amazing! What did I do without you? I don’t know. Let’s not talk about it! You make work even more fun and we wouldn’t have been ready or as clear headed without you.

Xo Smid

Images captured by Big Bear Photo

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