This past week went by way too quickly and we are already well into this week. I am feeling the photo shoot (July 27th) and the launch party (August 29th) closing in on me. So much has to be done and not much time is left. I am freaking out.
As you know, I attended the Design Love Fest Floral Workshop this past weekend. We had plans, my littles, my hubby and me, to stay in LA for the weekend. The kids were going to ride the train with Dad up to LA. I was going to pick them up from the train station and take them back to a boutique hotel (that part was for me). Sunday, we had plans to hit the Rose Bowl Flea Market. The kids were pumped. Stewart was excited. We were all pumped for the weekend. And then, we were all seriously bummed. I cancelled the plans and decided to come straight home from the floral workshop.
This Launch is a huge priority for me. With less than 2 months to the launch and less than two weeks to the photo shoot, I need to focus a lot of my energy on SMID.
Besides, I really don’t “need” anything from the flea market right now. I am the type of person that will buy a great find even if I don’t have room or a place in mind for it. If it’s a great find, it simply should come home with me. My space is so full of those pieces right now. I might need to expand to store any more. This is not great for my work space but it will be great for my clients as I will always have great finds on hand.
Right now, it’s better that I focus on “the list.” There are quite a lot of things to be done. This vintage rocking bench was one of them. I had plans to paint this bench eight weeks ago. Ok, if I’m going to be truthful, it’s been sitting out in our yard for over a year screaming for a paint job. I only decided on the color eight weeks ago.
It was on my agenda but other important things kept coming up. It was actually getting quite annoying because it was becoming a “rolling” weekend agenda item. I was starting to get some eye-rolling when I mentioned it. I wasn’t taken seriously and that makes me nuts. I needed to “get her done.”
I inhaled so much spray paint and took it in the face a few times…Brutal! She looks good though!

Smid that! Rustoleum Metallic Gold – so sexy!

The before…she’s cute but, not SMID.
That bench! So phenomenal!! Love that gold.
gahh it looks even better in person mom. well done